Rolf, a Dalmatian, running in the park

This web site is about our experiences with a Dalmatian called Rolf. Here I'll focus on this Dalmatian's care, diet and nutrition, Dalmatian anecdotes and, hopefully, insights into this Dal's habits, needs and character. Please remember that this is neither an instructional nor an advisory website, rather a history of one Dalmatian's fortunes and misfortunes with his carer.

Previous Posts

Tie me Kangaroo down, Sport!

I realise I've never explained why we have a Dalmatian named Rolf Harris. Given his age (Dal Rolf, not Oz Rolf), anyone out there with children born in the UK in the nineties will have a pretty good idea why the name was chosen. Rolf is obviously named after Rolf Harris, the sometime media darling, visual artist, and badboy of Heavy Rock. ...more in Rolf's Biography.

26 Sep 2006

The British Dalmatian Club

Recently I signed up with a brilliant forum at The British Dalmatian Club site. It's bustling; full of very nice Dal owners, breeders and people planning to be owners, all engaged in lively discussion and debate. Because of this, I've cancelled my plans of offering a bulletin board on Rolf's site, why try to reinvent the wheel? The forum at the BDC is everything and more that I'd hoped to start here so, get over there (here) and get stuck in!

Um, you will come back here again too, won't you? Pretty please!? My next job here is to turn my old Contact page into a new links page, it's about time I gathered the disparate links on this site into one spot.

24 Aug 2006


Diet is probably the most significant factor influencing Dalmatian health: human health too of course. Getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, and building the capacity to utilise them once they’re in the stomach, are vital to sustaining a good quality of life. With that in mind there are some "foods" which don’t deserve the name. ...more in "Diet".

18 Jul 2006